Package org.wkb4j.engine

Interface Summary
WKBFactory WKBFactory must be implemented by any class wishing to serve as a factory for geometric objects.
WKBFactory3D WKBFactory3D must be implemented by any class wishing to serve as a factory for geometric objects.
WKBGeometryTypes WKBGeometryTypes centralises the ID of the different types of Geometry as defined in the Simple Features Specification for SQL Unfortunately, this standard didn't attributed an ID to all the structures it defined, for efficiency I guess.

Class Summary
ResetableByteArrayInputStream ResetableByteArrayInputStream is a ByteArrayInputStream where the internal buffer can be reinitialized with a new input buffer, removing the need for destroying and recreating a different ByteArrayInputStream for each input buffer.
WKBParser Generate events from the submitted array of bytes holding binary data in the Well-Known Binary format.
WKBParser3D Generate events from the submitted array of bytes holding binary data in the Well-Known Binary format.
WKBReader Creation date: 3 juil. 2002 00:16:50

Copyright © 2002-2003 David Garnier. All Rights Reserved.